For the past several months, I’ve been hard at work redesigning and revising Living Water book. Originally printed in 2015, Living Water had sold out quite a long time ago. Now, in 2024, I finally sat down and began to pour over the text that I had written all those years ago, and I began to receive powerful insight that connected to and expanded upon these passages, along with new revelations from my life experience as a believer and explorer of the oceans. Thus, the revision commenced, and not a single stone was left unturned in the revitalisation of Living Water Book v2.
Every image was re-visited and given a new life with the knowledge I have accumulated as an artist, pursuing excellence in my field. Now, with over 80 images and 60 prayerfully discerned revelations articulated into a poetic format, Living Water v2 embodies an in-depth insight into who I am as an individual, an artist, and a child of God.
It wasn’t an easy path, though, I fasted for days, prayed and searched the depths of my own heart and God’s heart, while soaking in the anointing of His presence. Some days, not a word would be written, it was like getting water out of a rock, so I’d just wait, sometimes in frustration, other times in tears of gratitude. It’s been said; “when it rains it pours”, and when the heavens did open my fingers couldn’t keep up with what was coming down. When the disciples asked Jesus how they should pray, the first thing He said after acknowledging God’s name to be above all names, was that we are to bring heaven to earth, to establish God’s kingdom, and God’s will here on earth. To learn, understand and represent the kingdom culture and will of God while we are here on earth. I approached this book in such a way, seeking heaven’s interpretation of topics that modern society has manipulated or diluted into something different from its original state.
This book takes these familiar concepts we all relate to in the human experience, like love, faith, hope, purpose, purity, passion and many others, and explores them through a lens of wisdom and divine revelation, a perspective that I have acquired from positioning myself in God’s presence, developing the mind of Christ through faith and leaning into the incomprehensible power and infinite wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I did a deep dive into God’s heart and asked Him to show me my purpose, to show me what love really is, what grace is, and what redemption truly looks like. What is joy? What does it mean to be pure at heart? Why are we drawn to beauty? I asked Him to teach me what it is to wonder and show me what truth is and how to recognise it.
I wanted to know how to see and acknowledge His kingdom and establish it here on earth!
Everything I heard, felt and received I articulated into an elegant poetic format and pensively married it to a vision of the breaking wave. The words in this book are also imbued with my journey as an artist and have been shaped by the experiences I’ve had in the ocean, and in pursuit of greater meaning and joy. As a photographer, I’ve learned that perspective can make all the difference in how we not only see but also value something. The same goes for all the invisible, intangible things we cannot see, an eternal perspective aligns pain with purpose, it turns mourning into joy, and confusion into clarity.
Living Water book has been designed to explore the disparity between our emotional human experience and the unseen qualities of the human spirit, the things that we all have questions about.
There’s no intention to judge from any kind of religious standpoint or push any type of ultimatum; instead, my goal is to reach past our logic, provoke deeper thought, stir the imagination and inspire the reader, opening their life to new perspectives while at the same time, challenging and even confronting one’s own mindsets and ideologies, so the reader can reflect on what may be possible and true.
The vision and passion that have been placed in my spirit is to provide a living resource of authentic encouragement and relatable direction for the people who have been entrusted to my influence. As the scriptures say, “Out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water.”
I believe that whatever we do, we are to do it with all our heart, and may the overflow of pursuing what we love inspire others to find their own unique purpose in life. Regardless of one’s beliefs or background, may this book inspire your heart to be wild, your love to be courageous, and your eyes to be open. There’s beauty all around us, and I don’t want you to miss it. Life is a journey and equipped with the gifts and passion I have been entrusted with, I invite you to come on this adventure with me to the place where the living water flows…
A very limited run is now available for pre-order, shipping from 1st December. Order now for the Christmas gift that just keeps on giving!