Battle Fit

Battle Fit

This is a short film starring Glen Thurston, hitting rock bottom, being defeated by one of the most dangerous waves around. One simple mistake at this wave resulted with Glen breaking...

BATTLE FIT [bat-l-fit].

1. The physical condition of a person ready to engage in battle: ready to battle with the enemy.
2. Mentally ready for a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing forces.
3. To struggle; strive: to enter a heightened level of physical performance in the quest for freedom.
4. Basic condition necessary when fighting giants.

" For so long the human condition has been paralysed by fear or failure. It becomes a mountain we cannot climb. Developed in our mind to stop us moving forward and conquering new fields."

This is a short film starring Glen Thurston, hitting rock bottom, being defeated by one of the most dangerous waves around. One simple mistake at this wave resulted with Glen breaking 3 ribs, severe internal bruising and 3 months in the recovery ward. This sparked a new fire within for Glen, to do what it takes, to think clearly and positively and train himself back into the person that could face his Giants once again.

In January 2013, Cyclone Oswald generated a swell, that was bigger then anything before. Glen and his team new this was the Giant, and it was time for Glen to face him alone.

In Association with Cloak & Dagger Magazine,
Agent Eighteen, BoardLounge, Supersfins and Neways.

Presented by ID. Boards
Produced by Thurston Photo (WebbedHands Creative)
Filmed by Philip Thurston and Tyge Landa
Starring: Glen Thurston
Cover photo: Michael McArthur

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